223 Brass Processing Service
Don't have time to process your brass but love to reload and shoot? Let Crafted Ballistics process your brass to help you ease your brass prepping woes! Like everything here we do at Crafted Ballistics we take pride in what we do and the end results show it. We don't process brass in mass quantities and rush the process but we'd rather process in smaller batches. Here at Crafted Ballistics we take our time to ensure that every single piece of brass gets the utmost attention to detail during the process. Each case gets thoroughly inspected, processed and checked to proper specifications in order to offer you the best consistent quality brass for your next reloading session. Consistency equals accuracy.
So whats the difference?
Attention to details is what it comes down to. Sure we can throw your brass in a cement mixer, tumble it and throw it on a machine and run it through some dies and viola, uh no that's not how we operate here. For example, other companies if not MANY will shove your brass in a resizing die and trim the top case mouth to length and stop. HERE at Crafted Ballistics we just don't trim the top case to length but also take it one step further and chamfer and deburr the case mouth. Again, it all comes down to consistency. Consistency will yield better shot placement and accuracy down range.
Processing procedure step-by-step
- Pre wash to remove any carbon, stains, mud etc
- Roll size
- Deprime
- Swage to remove any crimps
- Full length resize
- Neck size w/carbide expander to provide proper neck diameter/concentricity for better neck uniformity, bullet tension and less bullet run out
- Trim, chamfer, deburr case mouth to 1.750 +/- .003
- Final quality control inspection w/ case gauge block to verify correct head space
- Polish
Once completed, the brass then goes through a complete wash to remove any case lube as well as to cleaning out the primer pockets to ensure proper seating depth consistency.
Thank you for taking the time and we hope that you give Crafted Ballistics a chance to be your one stop shop for all your brass processing needs!
Steel, Aluminium, or Berdan cases will not be processed, if you do not inspect your brass and send different calibers and or brass that is Berdan primed or steel cases you MIGHT be getting charged for a sorting fee. This is for 223 brass processing and not sorting, again please make sure you are sending 223 brass ONLY.
* All brass that has been received will be returned even if rejected during processing.
* Any additional brass processing not mentioned will be up to the end user to complete.
Keep in mind you are responsible for the items you are sending until it reaches the processing facility. It is highly recommend purchasing insurance for high value shipments. If we do not receive your brass within 30 days of purchase your order will be cancelled and you will be given a refund in the form of a in store credit.
1 unit placed in your cart is for us to process up to 1000 pieces of your .223/5.56 brass sent to us.
Once you have made your purchase. We recommend shipping your brass to us in a flat rate box from the United States Postal Service.
Include a copy of your receipt with your brass.
Ship brass to:
Crafted Ballistics
P.O. Box 826
Stanton CA 90680
Turn around time is 2-3 weeks once we receive your brass.